
Monday 1 December 2014

A Clear Mind..

This morning after finding out my first lesson had been cancelled, I had two hours of time to pass so I met my dad for breakfast at Costa which was really nice, we spent most of the time playing this word game called 'Word Brain' which is fun if you like word puzzles. 

Anyway, on to the actual topic! So after breakfast I walked to college and as I walked through the park I just felt so at peace and tranquil, breathing in the cold air as it hit my cheeks, walking in a mostly empty park, taking in the greenery and beauty of nature. I find this also helps my mind to feel clear... I can let loose all the negative thoughts in my brain and all the things wrong with civilisation! I just thought it was so beautiful and I would share it with you because no matter how stressed you are, how busy you are, how upset you are, take some time out by yourself and give yourself the time and space to breathe and just think.

As soon as I left the park and returned to the surrounding of buildings with hardly any greenery in sight, that feeling had gone straight away. 

We are always so busy these days - rushing off to college, doing work in free periods, coming home, watching tv, more work, sleeping... But when do we take out the time to free our minds of the hustle and bustle that life consumes us with? Lately I have been feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of work to do, but I'm trying to not let it take over my life. Even though it is my main priority right now I can't let myself not have a life at the same time which is what I find a lot of people do - they let college consume them so they become so stressed, it's not healthy. 

Now, I know everyones priorities are different and if you are feeling stressed just take out at least five minutes of your time to reflect and have some time to yourself, you don't have to go to the park, you can have a relaxing bath / shower, or even just before you go to bed, with no technology just shut your eyes and think and let your mind be clear. 

I found that the cold air was slightly numbing and just for a short while it helps to get rid of all of your bad feelings and makes you appreciate everything you have in life. It just really got me thinking! I found this picture on Twitter and again it just put me in my place, the basic things we complain about, they are all blessings in disguise!!! 

Anyway that's my ramble of the day!!
Thanks for reading :)

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