
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Finding the good in the bad...

The best thing about blogging everyday is being able to find the good things in a bad day. Like today, for example, I had a deadline which I was stressed about, I didn't get much sleep last night so have been pretty exhausted all day and generally it's been a pretty downer of a day. But on days like this it's easy to forget the positive highlights of the day, because when we're feeling down, naturally we only focus on the negative. So today, I want to write about the good things that happened and if you do this too, you may feel like you didn't have a bad day at all:

- My lesson was cancelled so with three hours free I spent one hour with my lovely friend Shahista. Shahista is so so lovely, the sweetest, most down to earth girl and always approaches you with a hug! It's not possible to feel down when she is around so we took a trip to Costa & got the Christmas drinks (delish BTW!), we talked, took selfies and ate cherry bakewells! So thank you Shahista for making my day brighter : ) 

Here are a couple of selfies we took together : )

- It felt so good to hand in my English Language coursework! After a stressful few weeks, a breathed a huge sigh of relief. However, I do have another deadline in two weeks! After college, I slept for two hours straight, which I didn't expect to! My lack of sleep recently is also probably playing a part in me feeling down today because I've just been absolutely exhausted! 

- But I am about to go and watch the latest episode of The Flash and Arrow as well if the new episode is out! I promised myself I would have a break from college work today so time to de-stress! 

That's all I have for you today folks! Sorry this hasn't been that exciting and this post is probably more for my own benefit but we all have down days but I'm hoping tomorrow will be a much better one! : )

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