
Friday 5 September 2014

Feeling nostalgic... And confused!

Since college has started recently I have been thinking more and more of the future. It's hard making decisions about your future when you don't know much about yourself, I'm still trying to find out who I am, what am I doing with my life and which direction I want to head into?

I've just started my last final year of college. And this overwhelms me... I feel like I am growing up too fast and sometimes I just want to be that innocent child who didn't have to worry about grades and what to do with life.. 

It's funny how when I was younger, I couldn't wait to grow up and not have anyone to 'boss me around' haha... But now all I think it's sad how I just don't want to grow up.. Taking responsibility, making decisions for my future.. I'm scared of regretting the decisions I will make because I am still confused about the person I want to be. Does anyone else feel like this? 

I know a lot of people who are dead set on what they will be doing after college.. Taking a degree in this and that but me... Over the past year I have changed my mind about 20 times. I don't know if I want to take a gap year... I don't know which uni to go to or what to study... I know these aren't the biggest issues in the world but sometimes I just feel lost, like theres no place for me anywhere... I feel like I'm not academic but I'm not very creative either, I'm just stuck in the middle, an average Joe who gets average grades, not anyone significant.. I can't wait for the day for when I'm finally happy with what I'm doing!

This picture here was taken just over 10 years ago, so I was just 7 years old! My brother was probably about 6. Fast forward to the present day and we are now both college students! My brother just started his first year at college which is crazy! My two older brothers are both working and no one in our family is at school anymore! I'm turning 18 in December which means I'll be closer to 20 than 10! When I think of it like that I feel overwhelmed, scared yet excited to see what the future holds. 

Is anyone feeling the same? I just feel like I'm at a rather awkward stage in my life and I just have no clue what to do....

Thanks for reading :) 

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