
Saturday 12 July 2014

My first attempt at Cake Pops!

Hey guys! 

Today whilst browsing through Dunhelm Mill I came across this cake pop mould and it reminded me of how I've been meaning to make some! When I first discovered cake pops my mind was blown! I didn't know how such a thing could possibly exist - how were they so perfectly round? And cake... on a stick?! Well, today I got to make them.. These are definitely not something you will see on those fancy tumblr / Pinterest pages but at the same time I think they're not bad for a newbie like myself. 

The following recipe makes 57 cake pops! You can halve it if you don't need as many

You will need: 

- A cake pop mould (mine has 20 holes and is from Dunhelm Mill, also available from Lakeland)
- A few pieces of styrofoam for your cake pops to stand on. If you don't have any like me, you can use the upside of a colander. See pictures below 
-500g of patience! 


- 220g caster sugar
-220g softened butter
-220g plain flour 
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 4 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

For the topping:
-200g milk chocolate 
-Hundreds & Thousands or any other small cake decorations

Preheat your oven to 160 degrees celsius. 
Start by mixing your sugar and butter, once nicely mixed add half of your flour and two of your eggs. Combine and once mixed together, add the remaining flour, eggs and the baking powder also. Finally add the vanilla extract. 

Spoon the mixture in to the mould, fill it right to the top for nice big cake pops! 
The mould comes in two pieces, spoon the mixture in to the bottom half of the mould and place the top half on top. Place in the preheated oven for 15-17 minutes. 

Once baked, take the cake pops out of the mould and let them cool - this doesn't take too long. Melt the chocolate very slowly. 

Pierce each cake pop with a stick - I got re-usable sticks with the mould- and then dunk the cake pop in to the melted chocolate. Here is where you have to be a careful because it is messy. I ended up spreading the chocolate on with a knife because the chocolate was going everywhere. Place the cake pop either in your styrofoam or upside down colander if you don't have styrofoam. 
While the chocolate is still quite wet sprinkle on your decorations. Leave aside or in the fridge so the chocolate sets et voila!

I made these while I was fasting so let me tell you it was torture not being able to lick my fingers or anything! I made so many so I'm taking them round to my cousins house as it his 7th birthday tomorrow :) 

These are also perfect for Eid - I'm already planning on making them for my whole family on Eid so I'll probably have to make around 100! 

If you try these out please let me know or send a picture!

Hope you enjoyed reading ; )


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