
Tuesday 26 May 2015


Whilst the title probably sounds pretty dramatic, I am actually pretty damn sad to be leaving my college after spending two amazing years there. Obviously it wasn't a smooth road the entire way but looking back, all I can think of are the fun memories made with my friends, funny classroom moments and all around good times spent during our free blocks. 

College has probably been the best two years of my life so far in terms of meeting lots of amazing people, building friendships for life but also starting to mature, grow up and becoming more independent. I absolutely hated my five years of high school and I think this is is why I enjoyed being at college so much - it was a fresh new start and it was very different to school. 

During the past two years I have made some awesome friends doing some crazy things along the way (Chilli challenge, standing in open, moving lifts (lol Tayyibah) and my college experience wouldn't have been the same way without these lovely peeps. 

It's crazy to think that we will all be parting ways, going off to live and build our own lives. Life is one crazy adventure!

Here are some of my friends whom mean a lot to me!
It makes me sad that that I won't be seeing them much next year but that's life for you!

My cute friend Sana and I. 

Myself and the lovely Faisa

Having fun in the park trying Tayyibah's selfie stick! 

Good luck to everyone - for exams and for what the future holds! 


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