
Thursday 26 February 2015

The Thoughts of an Introvert #1: Appearances

I've been spending a lot of time by myself recently and being an introvert it is something I enjoy. It is so easy to get lost in thought and I have been thinking about a lot of things recently. So I will be doing a series here on NoonsWrites about my thoughts - the thoughts, ideas and views of an introvert. Maybe you can relate, maybe you can't. But it will give you an insight into the way I think and how I view the world. 

The other day, I was on the train with my mother sitting opposite me. I looked at her for a while and began to think about appearances. As people we have the power to mask our sadness (or any other emotion) and we step into the outside world with a smile escaping the intensity of the happenings in the private sphere. When unfortunate things happen I always feel like I need to get away, I need a break from being in the same space. My mind craves refreshment and this is what I often seek when I am feeling low. Refreshment. It varies from the a sudden burst of energy and wanting to be outside of home to being alone watching my favourite TV shows (The Originals, Gotham, Arrow and The Flash if you are wondering) cuddled up in my bed. 

This got me thinking about other people. I am always surrounded by new people - whether that be at college, on the streets of my city or in the shopping centre etc. I know nothing about these people around me. I know what they look like and I am quick to judge in terms of appearance or the way they carry themselves. And I know a lot of us do this because it is so easy for us to judge based upon the way people carry themselves in the public eye. 

Everybody has a different story to tell, our life experiences are different. Everyone goes through hardships whether they are minor or major because life is simply not fair. My point here, is to recognise the ways in which we present ourselves to the public sphere. It's easy to pick up a concealer and hide the puffiness around your eyes from the night you spent crying your eyes out, it's easy to fake a smile and show the world that you are ok. It is easy to put on a decent outfit and show the world that you are put together when in fact you are in pieces, struggling to juggle life's hardships.
 Everybody has a story and not everyone chooses to share theirs, some prefer to express whilst others prefer to suppress their emotions and bury them away. But these are natural reactions and as humans it is our job to realise this before we judge and interpret a person when we know nothing of them, their life, their story, their experiences etc. 

We all seek comfort in different ways. We all show our emotions in different ways. We react to situations in different ways. We are humans. We are unique. We are amazing and powerful beings with the ability to hurt, endanger and create havoc but also to help, create, empower, change, inspire and much much more. We needed to be reminded of this more often..  

This is mainly a reminder to myself but before we are quick to judge others, think. What has this person gone through, why do they carry themselves in such a manner? There is a reason behind everything & I think we should understand this before misinterpreting. 

To conclude I would like to address this photo I quickly put together on photoshop.
The moon represents difficulties because most of the time it is the night when I am feeling down but I also rejoice in the beauty of its presence and the stars in the sky. Although I do not like the dark I appreciate the stars and the beautiful night sky.  The eye represents looking at life in a different angle, to look for the happiness even if it is the little things. I love the sunshine and it's warmth brings an instant lift in mood and the picture of myself just brings back happy memories of Summer time.

If you read this all, I would like to thank you. I would love to hear what your views are so please leave me a comment. Sorry if this was a bit all over the place, this is my first in the series but if you enjoyed reading please let me know and I will continue to write about what else goes on in this head of mine!



  1. This was lovely! Keep smiling you beautiful human. ��

  2. Awwwww Mary, Your so cute! Can you tell I'm procrastinating from studying to read your blog! I often think about this too, loved reading your thoughts! niqa <3


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