
Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone!

Well I have a bit of explaining to do! I was doing so well with the blogging everyday but then I had a 'creative block' and felt like I was producing content that wasn't good enough! 
Since the last time I blogged a few things have happened:

- I turned 18! My birthday was on the 18th of December, it was an amazing day full of surprises and gifts with my amazing friends and family! My mum, dad, brother and friends were amazingly kind and spoilt me with gifts and lots of chocolate! (I need to stop using the word amazing!)

- The New Year has begun! Today is the first day of January so time for me to try and better myself! This year I thought I wouldn't have any resolutions but now that I'm sitting down and thinking about it I think it's good to have a few goals, because seriously what better time to start? Fresh new year, fresh new start!  So here are a few things I want to do this year:

  • I want to be happy with myself: As narcissistic as this sounds but I want to love myself more. My mind is a dangerous place & I am constantly putting myself down, telling myself I'm not good enough... Hating my body, hating everything about it and being drowned by my self consciousness and paranoia about my appearance. A lot of people don't know this about me because I put myself and images of myself on the internet but there have been countless times I have wanted to delete all of my social media and quit blogging and youtubing. And this leads me to my second point
  • Get healthier: This is probably the most generic resolution of all time, but it is a serious matter. I've struggled with my weight for many years now and I feel like I have to do something about it now. I don't want to go in to my 20's still overweight and depressed. 
  • Start university happy and healthy: By the time I leave home I want to be a completely different person. I want to leave behind the unhappy overweight person that I have been for the past 7 years and I want to be confident in myself. I have become a little more independent recently but if I combine it with health and happiness, ultimately I will be content this way
  • Become emotionally stronger: 2014 has had its ups and downs and sometimes I felt like I didn't react well in certain situations so I think it's time to cry less, buckle up and strengthen myself inside. 
There are a few other little things like being more organised but hey ho, we can't always be perfect. We are human after all and establishing everything is not always possible. Just striving to be the best we can be is good enough!